Do you need an Dust Risk Assessment to support your planning application?
Exposure To Dust
Is your development located near a source of dust?
Dust can be generated from construction works, industrial works and agricultural processes, Any Development located near a potential dust source should consider exposure to dust within their planning application.
Sensitivity To Dust Impacts
Is your development sensitive to Dust?
Land uses such as residential, Education and medical are all sensitive to health impacts from dust. Commercial developments such as car show rooms should also be considered sensitive to dust impacts.

Dust Impacts
Will your development generate Dust during construction or during operation?
Dust generated from a development either during the construction phase or when the site is operational can cause harm to human health, impact local ecology, or damage local property. Dust and Dust control measures should be considered during the planning stages of every development,
You could need an Dust Risk Assessment to support your planning application if your development could Expose future site users, Impact the local area, or is Sensitive to dust impacts.
Speak with one of our Dust Management Consultants to discuss what's best for your development.
Dust can be generated by construction works and site operations, both of which need consideration for your Planning Application.
Our services include:
Fugitive Dust Assessment: Fugitive Dust has the potential to impact the health of both site workers and to local occupants. Excessive Dust can cause statutory nuisance in the local area, in some cases, financially impacting local residences and businesses. It is therefore essential that a dust risk assessment is conducted for any process with the capability of producing dust.
Construction Dust Risk Assessment / Management Plan: Prior to any construction works, a construction dusk risk assessment should be carried out to determine the level of mitigation required to prevent fugitive dust impact.
Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP): As part of a CEMP, the potential for fugitive dusk release will need to be considered and suitable best practice measures agreed upon.
Get in touch with one of our expert Dust consultants for your initial advice and free, no obligation quote.